Sunday, November 1, 2009

GANDHI 2010 : The Mission "STILL REMAINS" incomplete....


A moment for which GANDHI ji would pity himself for not being able to witness it live, A tribute even the government of INDIA could not guarantee other than mere statues and photo printing on the currency notes of our nation. The Vivid motion statues of Mahatma Gandhi – varnished in silver to get is a strange spectacle, yet performed due extreme necessity by these little kids on the streets of INDIA.

What makes them stick to the grave activity of being exposed to the sun light for more than normal tacitly of human abilities? Knowing GANDHI ji is the least that is expected from these children who are nowhere near any forms of education or a normal childhood but What means could take them back to school? Most importantly, What makes them get UN-NOTICED either by THE GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS or any other entity?
These are the questions that I quest for finding answers...........

I noticed these group of children fashioned as GANDHI on the beaches of Visakhapatnam and I directly approached them in order to find out the whereabouts of these infant Gandhis. They were all very lively and charming and very playful and were very quick to grasp the happenings surrounding. They wouldn’t let you go away without giving a penny or two if you clicked their photo or shot their video. They are like every other child of INDIA, the Indian ness was the mark on their face. They were innocent but learned about living life even before they understood what life was all about and for them life is just about dawning GANDHI’s costume identically as shown in his statue-earning a few bucks by posing as a statue of
GANDHI- giving what they earned to their parents and eating whatever they get and then sleeping over to start yet another day of GANDHI GIRI. They may not know who GANDHI was but they surely know that GANDHI’s still very popular and very respected. The youngest was around 6 years old and the eldest was around 10 years old.

Clearly it is legible that these children formulated in to this prototype- purely due to their “desperate situations and happening in their life and their fate”
Striking note i gathered from all the 9 children on the beach road was that, they all belonged to the same locality i.e. they all told me same places when asked about their backgrounds. They all told me the same regions like Chinna waltair- bus stop-zalari peta. This assured me that they all descended from the same locality and with a common interest of earning money to survive in this world and hence I went on to the locality stated by them, only to find myself fooled because no one in the locality recognized anybody from that locality fashioning as GANDHI and going out for earning their breads. So I concluded that all the children miss led me by giving wrong information-which may be because they were ordered by their mothers who were all the time behind their children-navigating them through the beach road and helping them pool money through densely packed places.

I now came to a conclusion, that this case of 9 children – is a sheer case of CHILD ABDUCTION or EXTREME POVERTY.

When I asked these children regarding education, not one was ready to accede to my idea of me taking them back to school neither were they happy to talk about schooling and education and more over their parents were least bothered about sending them back to school since the fact here is that, they(Parents) know least about education-and its benefits(Since they were un educated) and more importantly they were more least bothered or interested to learn the benefits of education or get their children educated.

So now what’s next? How do I get these children back to school? How do these children who are “invisible to the government officials – re incarnation of GANDHI to the public “ get to utilize the SSA (SARWA SIKSHA ABHINAYAM ) Or The FREE AND COMPULSORY ACT, according to which children from the age of 6 to 14 are entitled to free and compulsory education by the government of INDIA, where in the children are provided free food (MID DAY MEAL PROGRAMME ) , free books and basic necessities for education. Is this a mirage on the desert? The programmes may be going well but they are surely in accessible to various children of INDIA. Cores of rupees might be being spent but not a penny surely is being accessed by these children on the streets of INDIA.

I then headed to a local police station when in I waited for a cumulative of 8 hours in two days only to hear him say “we don’t have a right to work on this issue”.

Well, I understand the prime force may be busy with maintenance of law & order around the city but this case of children is surely not something to let go because in a span of few years these innocent kids have every chance of turning in to gross criminals...the society would definitely help in the cause.

My motto behind going to the police station is to exercise THE JUSTICE JUVENILE ACT, THE CHILD CARE ACT, (LINK TO THE ACT : ) wherein it is specified that children abducted or exercised in the act of begging is a crime and those responsible are liable to action and the children victimised are entitled to government rehabilitation proceeded by enrolment in to schools for education.

The same could be done through LABOUR ACT, but the concerned officer told me they had no right as there is no EMPLOYEE-EMPLOYER relation in here.

Clearly in my view there is least importance that is directed towards these children or it is directed by the higher authorities to direct least importance towards them.

Most recently an article covering this issue of street children came up in THE HINDU (LINK TO THE ARTICLE : ) , and I expected some recent from the concerned people would cause immediate action and would cease the plight of these children and get them back to schools. Perhaps I was too optimistic and it was disheartening to witness these children continuing their act of helplessness on the very same streets of Vizagapatam beach.

The interviewing took place in September, Article came on oct-24th and still the plight continues and so on....I witnessed the children again on November 1st and guess this will continue on and on...

This is clearly a Hercules task and I am left with no answers and only questions to fire. And I am still in a turbid vision with abysmal answers and unclear concepts on these issues.

So what is the ultimate solution? Is there no end to this exploitation of children?

Do these children stand a chance to enjoy to the childhood or at least exercise the RIGHT TO EDUCATION?

For now I feel like a hypocrite for recording the plights of these children hoping in to a documentary ( ) for a solution and I feel really sad whenever I see them on the beach road and it pains me for being incapable of brining justice and a smile on to their fate. I Hope things change soon before it’s too late and I am writing this piece of note with utter helplessness and in search of answers.

It is always important for us all to know that, it is EDUCATION that can bring a change to the society and it’s you and me together who can bring a change.
Educate to eradicate poverty.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Andhra eVeRyWheRe

Andhrites Everywhere.........

Being a part of Andhra and being an adhrite has always been a privilege and a matter of pride for me and surely for the rest of the citizenz of Andhra Pradesh and with the advent of Aandhrites in to every field with excellence is indeed something a strong reason to cheer about being an Andhrite and makes me immensely happy and proud.

Yes Andhrites are present everywhere....every look an corner around the world.& it’s an open fact..the advancements in IT sector , industrialisation , be it the rich NRIs around the globe ,or in the Indian admistration sector and if I go on specifying each and every single field then this blog would go for pages...on-&-on-&on....

But to my surprise, I was taken aback when I found that the children and eurchas those who were begging in the MUMBAI-GUJARAT train are also Andhrites. Well ineed...a moment to cherish, Ain’t it ?

I had managed to speak to a few of those kids but they were away from my sight in a whistle as and when they started conversation with me in telugu. Perhaps, following the instructions of their bosses, one factor that makes us very famous for being industrious and obedient.

It’s quite shocking and even embarrassing to just give a moment of thought towards the height these children would be tortured here in a place alien to them and where languages spoken here something that they are not expected to learn with their young age and backgrounds they come from.

Well, I am sure the officials are not so ignorant about the happening around their state and neighbouring state but the silence could be understood by some fear of unknown identity or due to lucrative commodity.

I was well worst that India is a country known for it’s unity in diversity but I never knew until this day that we are well maintaining this condition in regard to the distribution of street children no matter wheather we abide to it in other factors. I am sure children from all other states are migrated to various states either with consent by offering lucrative life styles or by abduction, but we have to put an end to this.

If the body is not willing to take action on this, we citizen shall take up action and hope to bring an end to this injustice and bring back the lost smiles on to the fear filled faces of these children.

Well, I end this post here wondering and leave the decision to people wheater to feel happy for the diversity and dense reach or feel embarrassed

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My InTeRvIew With the AmArAnThinE

My InTeRvIew With the AmArAnThinE : a nonstop- never retiring- never resting mobile cover seller.

Mumbai : 28th June 2009

“PANCH ka ek...PANCH ka ek...” (5Rs for 1).....

...... Were the words meticulously uttered repeatedly without any fatigue or any pause until he found a passerby passenger of the dadar local station halting to take a glance at the collection of lustutors glossy plastic mobile phone pouches and trying to make a deal with the kid with the mobile accessorises, a bunch of mobile rappers.

“ ek ka PANCH? “ (1Rs for 5) I offered a bargain, just to make a conversation with this kid, who was looking not older than 8 yrs, with his shorts and shirt matching white and holding a bunch of covers of various colours and hopping around his two legs, may be to avoid the stress caused by continuous standing at one location.
The kid hurried in to laughter after hearing my bargain call and continued with his work, perhaps he is used to these bunch of putz who try to hamper the concentration with funny remarks and arguments.

“Sonu” said the boy in a tender scary voice when i asked what his name was and reported he was from a nearby locality. When asked regarding his business strategy, he told me he would purchase the pouches for Rs 3 and sell it for Rs 5. Well surely, this is a perfect example for the height of his innocence for he so openly tells me his selling tricks. But for a profit of mere 50 Rs per day, Sonu supposedly stands at the station walk way bridge from morning 7 am till evening 5 P.M.
Well , a thing that I could comprehend from my scarce interaction with the kid on the railway platform who is survived by his father is, that all the days hard work he puts in at this age, where he is supposed to busy playing and studying in school , is jus to fill his stomach. Yes just to survive the hunger he is forced by his situations to take up such a painstaking job that subjects him to continuous stress and fatigue & sometimes tensions with the ongoing public traffic.

Well let us once think out of the table or say out of the edge....

What if ? ? ?

What if ? ? ?

Had he been guaranteed his meal ? ? ? for free by our gregarious government ? ....Kids do deserve it....after all the MID-DAY-MEAL is guaranteed for children of primary sections in government run schools but I wonder how kids on the streets like Sonu miss the meals provided or at least why cant they be included in to the system ? well they would be imagined to be much of a burden to the government who instead spends amounts of money in to extraneous works like heavy public meetings or erecting their own statues up on the streets, where as the kids on streets are simply averted as a quantum of burden

Well anyways, What if ? ? ? was my point of chew

It would have been like definitely this....

Sonu would never have had to think about fulfilling his stomach to overcome his least for his age, it’s a way too much of a burden for his little heart of 7-8 years old.. So instead of spending nearly 10 hours together standing and bargaining with moving crowd for earning his meals, he would have spent, at least some of this industrious effort he puts on selling his stuff, on something like education or sports, he would definitely, with the sort of sincerity and determination he posses he surely would strike gold in whatever he ventures in to.
Surely , SONU is one of those millions kids around the country, our developing country who are going undeveloped and are simply neglected as if they don’t belong to any one of us.

The sooner we realise this fact that our countries future lies within the hands and fate of these charming

I hope sooner or later we would open our eyes to wake up from the sleeps where we are dreaming of a developing or almost developed nation with developments in IT and many other sectors but with the children of our nation lagging back day by day, the development we are witnessing in nothing but a mirage and helping us burglarise our own nation with our own hands

: its government & public, U & me together, can bring a change
Education is the solution to all the problems. Educate to eradicate Problems.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Visakhapatnam: Jan-2007

“I need to take care of my old mother, how can I study when I have to earn money to run the house? “

This is the question that was shot furiously or rather helplessly towards me when I asked Raju about his ambitions regarding his education, clearly expressing his strong desire to study, which were amputated by his current situation like a flower that were plucked even before it blossomed, halting the inflorescence, hence smouldering by his situation responsible for not enabling him to pursue his desires. Indeed The savior of his family.

It was a regular evening in Visakhapatnam and I happened to visit an Irani tea stall near my home where I met Raju, who descended from his town Machilipatnam along with his brother to Visakhapatnam in search of work. Raju was around 14 when his destiny fled him from his home to the city of destiny. He now works as a Tea server in this Irani Teashop serving hot tea cups to the costumers and washing them after being used. Raju works from dusk till dawn, from 6 in the morning to 7 in the evening. He then sleeps in the shop itself and wakes up the next day to get back in to his routine duty. Raju is an example of the devilish practice that prevails in India and most parts of the world, The Child labour that prevails in every look and corner of the country.

Child labour, or child labour, refers to the employment of children at regular and sustained labour. This practice is considered exploitative by many international organizations and is illegal in many countries (courtesy:

Child labour and improvisation of labouring children is indeed insane but the question that arises here and which I would like to point out is that ” why would any kid in this world, be it rich or poor, would want to indulge himself in to activities which, demands extreme physical strain working from dusk till dawn, subjects them to weathering to all types of seasons from humid summers to chilly winters , subjects them to all kinds of stress, getting beaten here and then and being forced in to dirty waters and also importantly preventing them rather depriving them from enjoying the best part of human cycle i.e. the childhood.

The answer is known to all, a crystal clear NO.

Well even the street children or the so called child labours wouldn’t want to do what they are doing but are unfortunately made to. Not by their employers but their circumstances. Their circumstances make them choose this sort of hard life. A hard life in which there is nothing else but pain suffering and regret. For the mistakes and wrong decisions made by their parents or due to the bad fate given by god, these children are forced to chose this sort of life , which no one would never even think of in dreams.
Childhood is the era in which every individual enjoys to the maximum limits. The fun filled days where every individuals gets a chance to experience the nascent joys that springs from their experiences with nature, the fun filled days where every individual experiences a huge amount of love care and attention from their parents friends and loved ones, are the essence of childhood era. Indeed a common wish to god from every individual is to retrieve them back their childhood.

But, for these child labours, Childhood is one phase of life which they would never want to retrieve back and indeed regret for what they undergo. The sole desire to survive in this world is what drives these children in to working at the age of studying or having a good time.

So what could be the possible solution for solving their problems? A simple dabbing incomplete survey and then chucking the children out of work isn’t going to solve all the problems. Thanks to the child labour rights personnel who hurriedly bail the child out of the job and file a case on the employer. These things would only add to the woes of these children and do little to solve them permanently. They would remain jobless for some time and again get in to another job or would remain jobless for the rest of the time and then divert themselves in to anti social activities, after all it is the matter of hunger, survival and family.

One must be sure that before cutting ones form of income, another should be shown to them.

The permanent solution is what is to be desired and it lies with the roots. The root of the problem is at the places from where they heir.

According to my survey, child labours are of three main varieties.

Firstly, the child may be an orphan. If so he should be properly counselled regarding the dangers of what he is getting himself in to and then explain him the benefits of going to a hostel and getting himself educated. This can be done by anyone amongst us. It doesn’t take much time have a simple chat with these kids where ever you find them. He may not listen to you in the first instance but on a longer note you may surely bring a change to his lives.

Secondly, most child labours are run away from homes. The same as the above process applies to these but also effort should be made to send them back home. Also importantly, further fleeing of children should be checked. This can be done by putting a check at the root, the villages from where most children flee. As in the above post, I mentioned about bablu yadav, who fleed from bihar, hence many bablu yadavs flee everyday and this should be checked and it can only be done by counselling repeatedly the importance of education and about the stress they would be undergoing had they ran away from home listening to some negative elements and running away.

Thirdly, some Child labours are responsibility acceptors. Like Raju, many children indulge themselves in to works so they can run their family. Efforts should be made by government and society for making education available to these children along with safe work and also a source of income should be made available to their elders in the family. This problem is not something that could be eradicated overnight, it should be tackled strategically with patience and it should be met as our countries future lies with these children.

These children may not be related to us by blood, but they are our brothers and sisters by nation and certainly one should remember that our nation’s future is decided by the state of these children’s growth. By neglecting them we are indirectly neglecting ourselves.

Well at the end of the day, it is up to you to decide whether you take up this problem seriously or as a super hero tale but i urge you to think for a moment and take up your decision and plan of action.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


I am a graduate. Like many other graduates of our nation, i uploaded my profile in to naukri . com , awaiting good job oppouttunities .

One fine afternoon, i got a call from an employment agency ,i got happy and thanked god for answering my prayers. I got totally thrilled upon hearing the other person speak about the job being offered to me. I was completely baffled and for a moment i was on a ride in to the dream world listening to the offers i was being offfered.
But, I ought to be the best engineer in the whole wide world for gaining that sort a job or perhaps the dumbest to get in to their words and travel the path of getting burglarized by those philanthropical job offering personnel. Only Time will decide .

After receiving a call from the so called employment agency, I decided to know weather such a company could exist or not. If it were a true company then it is good for our nation but just in case it turns out to be a bogus one, then they surely deserve a treatment for being a cause for creating disturbances in the minds of the young professionals leading them to choose paths which may be hampering the development of the nation.

In today's nation after 61 years of independence, unemployment still prevails in this nation and with passing out of huge young professionals every year, the hope of getting a job remains a dream and the dream of securing a comfortable high pay job lures every professional and an overseas job is like heaven on the earth for these unemployee people. With this weakness of today's young generation exposed like never before, gives an easy way through for the back stabbers to trap these young ones in to their way.

These young ones are offered high packages for paying a little amount in return("a little" when compared to the packages).these dreamers work hard, day and night to pool this money expecting their jobs in return. At the end of the day, they are left on the roads with huge depths lying on the back of their mind. It is at these weak crossroads of their lives, these young ones are easily diverted towards hurting their lives or hurting others for that matter and turning into anti social elements.

Those playing with the emotions of the young professionals and their families should be exposed to lime light and should be punished in such a way that no other person even ever dreams to repeat the same crime in the future.

It is now a high time to realize that government only can not solve the problems of the society; it is only when the society, press together with the government act towards solving problems, then the dream of an Ethiopia is not far from becoming true.

This break in to the company should be an eye opener to the society as well as young professionals, to be watchful while they negotiate with such companies and take responsibility, in fact it is their duty to report to either press or police just in case they feel it is bogus or just enquire about it for being sure before they invest. Its never wrong be watchful about where you are going to.

These below are the details by the company. Please note them.

Lucrative offers as per telephonic conversations held with councilor of the company Mr. S

1) starting salary more than 1 lack

2) free (food + accommodation +insurance)

3) 2 years renewable work permit

4) 2 times increment in a year

5) 32 holidays every year

6) Free to and fro tickets for journey to home

7) 1st promotion in 2 years

Things to be done by us

1) Rs: 5500 for medical examination at Coimbatore conducted by the agency

2) 3 sets of documents,15 colour photographs, passport(all in a CD)

3) Payment of 1.6 lacks in 2 installments

Issue of offer letter on payment of 1st installment

Issue of visa on 2nd installment

Email Id:

The fact that i am already an employee has given me an assurance to take time to ponder up on this issue. This may not have applied to those who were waiting eagerly for a job.

I have written an email to a reporter of INDIAN-EXPRESS,of that city. I am currently waiting for his response on the issue. I will post as and when i get another clue.

God save innocents .

Saturday, March 28, 2009



June 2007, I was on a desire to conduct survey regarding education systems for the less fortuned class of the society. I landed in Chennai, along with my friends, to conduct a survey on a few government educational institutions.

Fortunately in INDIA, Post high school, Government educational institutions are of the world’s best standards. The IITs and the IIMs for e.g., they debase every private institution which tries to compete with them, by dominating in every department from the infrastructure- to the students’ abilities and what not.

But, Unfortunately until high school, the government educational institutions are regarded as the institutions for the less fortuned people, for the sons and daughters of the daily laborers, for the servants of the fortuned people, for those who don’t belong to any family, for those who are used to dirty houses, dirty washrooms and dirty from top to bottom and what not. Even those who can’t afford private educational institutions would strive hard for an extra penny, so their children would get a going in to a private institute. This is the worst nightmare of Indian educational system. Perhaps the most mysterious and bewildering fact of our nation, quite an open secret though.

Through a friend of mine Suresh, who lives in Chennai, I got to visit PAVENTUR TAMIL MEDIUM SCHOOL, one of the first of its kind, the first of the kind I have been to, a communist run school. Run by Comrade Vetrichezhian in the outskirts of Chennai. The school is based in a square shaped yard divided in to two halves; one half contains all the classrooms with shed roofs where as the other half the play ground of the school. Towards one end of the square lies the office of the school where comrade’s chamber lies.

In the conversation I had with the comrade, he happened to tell me that his main goal behind the establishment of the communism based school is, to oppress the capitalism based private institutions, to subdue those institutions who charge huge ransoms of money only to make students mug up the answers, to outcast those institutions that only install- the urge to possess a goal to crack the entrance exams, rather than any sense of patriotism or social values in to the students.

Comrade Vetrichezhian tells me that it is the duty of the teachers to bring a change in the way of thinking of the students and it is purely their responsibility to make the students understand their social duties. He blames the media for misleading the students of today’s generation and quotes that for the students of this generation, patriotism is, purely and strictly and only, a cricket match.

Comrade has taken the decision to fight the problems of the society with the modern day weapon, the most effective weapon, EDUCATION.
He has decided to bring about a change to the society through EDUCATION and pledged to try his best to serve education to as many people as possible to bring about a social change.

Indeed, EDUCATION is the only solution to all social problems of the society.

The sooner we realize this Unseen fact, the better it is for our society.

Friday, March 27, 2009



While I was on my way to the Surat city from Hazira, I happened to board an auto for transportation.

A young little boy boarded the auto along with me. A boy who looked not older than 8th or 9th class (around 13-14 year old), who had he been studying at a school would have carried books in his hands and would have been approaching a class or a tuition instead of going to a petrol bunk with an empty can in his hand to buy diesel for refilling his own driven truck. Yes indeed he is a truck, heavy vehicle driver. He was a very charming little boy, quick to grasp whats going on around him. He was sitting to the edge of the seat with his empty can in his hand. Laughing unwontedly to the sarcastic jokes on his state Bihar and his favorite real life hero Lalu Prasad Yadav.

I managed to drag him in to a little conversation wherein he told me about his journey from Bagalpura, BIHAR to Hazira, Gujarat to earn some money so he could run his 4 member family back home, 4 member family where 3 members are penniless, father due to his old age and brother who is jobless. He is certainly an example of responsibility.

He happened to run away from his home with a sum of Rs 1500 which he borrowed from a friend’s home, the friend who lured him about the money that he would be earning if he managed to escape out of his home. Little aware of the dangerous and hazardous places he would be made to work ,instead of supplying the much needed education to his budding life, instead of spending his childhood with in his mothers courtyard ,cherishing the love of his mother, which millions are deprived off, HE ran away from his home to the mirage of money.
Babuly yadav, age 16, as told by him, as told to him to be told to others, so that he is not caught by any govt. Authorities under child labour. But still he is underage to drive a heavy vehicle across the highways though. His MAALIK (boss) got him an illegal license to run the heavy vehicle in the national highway, which could be lethal for him as well as anyone who is traveling along with him.

Bablu yadav manages to earn around 3000 to 4000 a month from which he sends more than half of money to support his family back in Bagalpura. He aims to own his own truck in future when he grows big, as big he might have the privilege to own a legal license also. When asked about his happiness in the decision he has made, he happened to tell me he regrets the decision he has made but its too late for him to rebuild his life back home but he surely doesn’t lack the enthusiasm to work his way through his life to achieve what he wants.

In areas where industries dominate the location, there will be many children like Bablu yadav, who are misguided and brought to these places for working in there. They surely reduce the labour cost and can also be made to do double work.

It is time now to cut this infiltration of children from villages to these places and it is high time to put a check on this trend. Government and society should take a step forward to make these innocent children understand long term of benefits of education.

By looking at the charm and attentive nature of Bablu yadav, i realized that India had just given away a good engineer or a doctor, who could have served millions of people, instead of a MAALIK and his trucks.

Hundreds of Bablu yadavs are created everyday and millions of people of our nation lose much needed man power to serve the country.