I feel happy and secure when I learn through media about the arrests and alleged raids over personnel who commit crimes or may have been indulged in one, but I am equally outraged when I see the state- failing to bring to justice the obvious perpetrators of crime against prosperity India.
Few thoughts struck me and compelled me to express them in this article when I read about the arrest of human rights activist,Binayak Sen, recipient of two international awards for his service (to humanity) since 1978 to the tribes and poor, as a doctor in the area of Chhattisgarh, India.
Sen is convicted under sedition.
(Sedition: any action, esp. in speech or writing, promoting such discontent or rebellion.) //According to web dictionary//
Sen is accused of helping (colluding with) the Maoists in the area he was actively doing community service.
Maoism in India is to be condemned for their actions of violence but the reasons behind their birth and continued success amongst the tribal areas is something to be taken note of. The support of local tribes to the rebel groups is a reflection of the government’s inaction towards the upliftment of the backwards. The government has to work upon the problems instead of fighting against their own subjects.
According to the recent reports, under Indian penal code, Sen was found to be guilty and hence arrested.
According to the right to equality before law, “The state shall not deny any person equality before law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India” and this statement according to my understanding states, everyone is equally treated in front of law, be it for awarding or punishing.
But in India, when it comes to the execution of laws, the big players always have a safe escape but the little ones get the big punishment.
Well for now, let’s consider, the open-daylight- loot of public funds by the crooked public servants like A.RAAJA in the spectrum 2G scam. The fraud of 1.76 Lakh crore rupees of public money and in result leading to disturbance of parliament which in result blocked various bills from being framed and in result caused chaos in the country.
I call this sedition or a bigger crime.
And ask you to tell me how big or small this crime is when compared to the (accused) sedition by a ‘human right activist serving poor since more than 30 yrs’???
Or let me ask you, how punishable is Sen’s sedition when compared to the shame caused to India in front of entire world due to the mishandling of work and looting of public money in the CWG games by Mr. Kalmadi?
Well I can continue with many more instances of power prone crooks of government and ruling class going wild and getting loose. (Like for example in recent times, the Adarsh society scam. The land scams of Karnataka chief minister and etc etc.)
I call these, open sedition or even a bigger crime term if such a thing exists.
I fail to understand how such open culprits could go free in the society after committing such bizarre shameless crimes? And whereas, instances where government inaction is the root cause for problems, the Innocent people get punished so frequently??
I always believed that the hands of the law were big enough to bring any crime doers under justice but never realized until recent happenings that the grease of power & money glued to these individuals make the hands of law slip over them and fail to bring them to justice.
My sincere request is, I want these big shots to be prosecuted for their crimes just as these smalls fishes are being trapped for their share of wrongdoings in the society.
People should be punished for crimes. So everyone who commits crime should be punished. “Equally” And especially those who feel they can get rid of the law using their power –influence and wealth should be punished in such a way that no one else would dare to play with public money or sentiments.
Government should work to make its subjects happy. Riots and Extremism are the results of indiscriminate behavior towards the common man. Government should keep the Subjects happy and grow together-for PEACE.
**Life imprisonment of Human Rights activist Dr. Binayak sen , Similar charges on Authors/Artists for expressing views and various other similar incidents happening these days lead us to question : Is India slowly transforming into a dictator/Fascist governments of the likes of "some countries" around us for whose people we feel pity about ? ? ?
I hope not !!! **
References: 1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binayak_Sen