In Today’s India,
The society's population is divided into few categories. The poor-The rich and The middle class. India is the largest holder of the later. He is often combined with the poor and known around as “the common man”. A very high frequent word from a politician’s lexicon.
So the poor-common man does his work or at least tries to do his best to earn his daily bread. He screens his surroundings, weighs the ups and lows in society around him, springs up a random discussion about the commonly corrupt politician with a co common man and satiates himself by reassuring himself that this is India and goes on with whatever is happening.
The common man- once in a while comes in contact with the Constitution of India.i.e. Once in 5 years (If I am being an optimist ), the feeling of being an Indian Citizen revives , the patriot reincarnates- either under influence of quack politicians soothing speeches or the endless packages these ones offer to the common man. Well, be it whatever, they vote! They exercise their right to participate in the seemingly- free & so called- fare elections---The universal adult franchise---This is a big occasion for the poor who get their daily wage for voting and for the middle class personnel, most of whom try their luck by voting –one more time- for a hope to see a working politician or to their favorite.
Now, this is the only time when the people and the politicians actually come into direct contact in a big way. The people expect something nice from these politicians and the politicians expect them to be voted for.
Now when I see around on what’s happening in our country, at this moment, it doesn’t make me, a common man, feel nice at all, in fact it makes me feel worried like every other citizen of our country.
a) There is Food inflation of 18%, a record high and sending the common man into nightmares for surviving
b) Added to this the interest rates in the bank loans go high and
c) The fuel rates take a step change every now and then on a frequent periodic basis.
d) The money we pay through taxes gets looted-in a mammoth-comes into light through a constitutional body-a government minister comes out and rules out the scam saying there is nothing of that sort ever existed. Now for this high drama to even actually be played, the public has to be considered fools, but in turn they have become ones
And many more . . . .
But, instead of serving and trying to reduce the woes of the never agitated-never frustrated-never vote denying common man, the politicians play around
a) The government and opposition leaders sit in front of the cameras and abuse each other-call each other corrupt. Their measure of being good is- being low on corrupt scale, which is a bad thing for the nation as a whole.
b) Down south, two power greed –highly rich-so called leaders, (in fact two of the many in the country) go on hunger strikes – call for disruption of social lives and so on.
c) The reporters who seemed gentle turned to be wolves in sheep’s clothing- and wanted to power head in the decisions-supposedly to be driven by people in a democratic country ,but instead , tried to make them driven by money makers of the society
Politicians disrupt the social life. They call for bandhs & protests. They stop trains and buses, or even break them down often and many more . . .
Now I call this – a turmoil.
The truth is,
The common man doesn’t care for what you 'politicians' think of the opposition or the governing official. We want work from you-and that’s why we voted for you. In a hope that you will work.
The common man shouldn’t suffer due to your egos and crave for power and blame games.
The common man shouldn’t go hungry for not being able to afford food because you didn’t do your duty for which you were voted to power.
The common man shouldn’t suffer tension due to frequent disruptions of social life because of your unwanted protests and hypes on the roads.
At the end of the day, what a common man asks for is just 2 meals per day and a peaceful sleep at the end of the night and a good society where they are offered all the basic human rights for a proper living.
I am no economist or an expert to produce suggestions for the price reductions or improving economic conditions. But I am aware enough to point out that ---- When there is money in the country-for allowing 1.78 lakh crores to be looted – then there is definitely money available – to make common man’s common commodities available at an affordable price. It just takes the intentions to work on the problems to do so.
The oppressed state is a very temporary state -the transition will only be to a revolution - and never happens with a warning or a transitory intermediate stage in between these two. So before the common man turns himself into a spear against the corrupt- you shall amend and make lives of a common man-back to normal.
So Before it gets too late . . . set your act right & Give the common man his Bread!