Thursday, July 2, 2009

Andhra eVeRyWheRe

Andhrites Everywhere.........

Being a part of Andhra and being an adhrite has always been a privilege and a matter of pride for me and surely for the rest of the citizenz of Andhra Pradesh and with the advent of Aandhrites in to every field with excellence is indeed something a strong reason to cheer about being an Andhrite and makes me immensely happy and proud.

Yes Andhrites are present everywhere....every look an corner around the world.& it’s an open fact..the advancements in IT sector , industrialisation , be it the rich NRIs around the globe ,or in the Indian admistration sector and if I go on specifying each and every single field then this blog would go for pages...on-&-on-&on....

But to my surprise, I was taken aback when I found that the children and eurchas those who were begging in the MUMBAI-GUJARAT train are also Andhrites. Well ineed...a moment to cherish, Ain’t it ?

I had managed to speak to a few of those kids but they were away from my sight in a whistle as and when they started conversation with me in telugu. Perhaps, following the instructions of their bosses, one factor that makes us very famous for being industrious and obedient.

It’s quite shocking and even embarrassing to just give a moment of thought towards the height these children would be tortured here in a place alien to them and where languages spoken here something that they are not expected to learn with their young age and backgrounds they come from.

Well, I am sure the officials are not so ignorant about the happening around their state and neighbouring state but the silence could be understood by some fear of unknown identity or due to lucrative commodity.

I was well worst that India is a country known for it’s unity in diversity but I never knew until this day that we are well maintaining this condition in regard to the distribution of street children no matter wheather we abide to it in other factors. I am sure children from all other states are migrated to various states either with consent by offering lucrative life styles or by abduction, but we have to put an end to this.

If the body is not willing to take action on this, we citizen shall take up action and hope to bring an end to this injustice and bring back the lost smiles on to the fear filled faces of these children.

Well, I end this post here wondering and leave the decision to people wheater to feel happy for the diversity and dense reach or feel embarrassed

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My InTeRvIew With the AmArAnThinE

My InTeRvIew With the AmArAnThinE : a nonstop- never retiring- never resting mobile cover seller.

Mumbai : 28th June 2009

“PANCH ka ek...PANCH ka ek...” (5Rs for 1).....

...... Were the words meticulously uttered repeatedly without any fatigue or any pause until he found a passerby passenger of the dadar local station halting to take a glance at the collection of lustutors glossy plastic mobile phone pouches and trying to make a deal with the kid with the mobile accessorises, a bunch of mobile rappers.

“ ek ka PANCH? “ (1Rs for 5) I offered a bargain, just to make a conversation with this kid, who was looking not older than 8 yrs, with his shorts and shirt matching white and holding a bunch of covers of various colours and hopping around his two legs, may be to avoid the stress caused by continuous standing at one location.
The kid hurried in to laughter after hearing my bargain call and continued with his work, perhaps he is used to these bunch of putz who try to hamper the concentration with funny remarks and arguments.

“Sonu” said the boy in a tender scary voice when i asked what his name was and reported he was from a nearby locality. When asked regarding his business strategy, he told me he would purchase the pouches for Rs 3 and sell it for Rs 5. Well surely, this is a perfect example for the height of his innocence for he so openly tells me his selling tricks. But for a profit of mere 50 Rs per day, Sonu supposedly stands at the station walk way bridge from morning 7 am till evening 5 P.M.
Well , a thing that I could comprehend from my scarce interaction with the kid on the railway platform who is survived by his father is, that all the days hard work he puts in at this age, where he is supposed to busy playing and studying in school , is jus to fill his stomach. Yes just to survive the hunger he is forced by his situations to take up such a painstaking job that subjects him to continuous stress and fatigue & sometimes tensions with the ongoing public traffic.

Well let us once think out of the table or say out of the edge....

What if ? ? ?

What if ? ? ?

Had he been guaranteed his meal ? ? ? for free by our gregarious government ? ....Kids do deserve it....after all the MID-DAY-MEAL is guaranteed for children of primary sections in government run schools but I wonder how kids on the streets like Sonu miss the meals provided or at least why cant they be included in to the system ? well they would be imagined to be much of a burden to the government who instead spends amounts of money in to extraneous works like heavy public meetings or erecting their own statues up on the streets, where as the kids on streets are simply averted as a quantum of burden

Well anyways, What if ? ? ? was my point of chew

It would have been like definitely this....

Sonu would never have had to think about fulfilling his stomach to overcome his least for his age, it’s a way too much of a burden for his little heart of 7-8 years old.. So instead of spending nearly 10 hours together standing and bargaining with moving crowd for earning his meals, he would have spent, at least some of this industrious effort he puts on selling his stuff, on something like education or sports, he would definitely, with the sort of sincerity and determination he posses he surely would strike gold in whatever he ventures in to.
Surely , SONU is one of those millions kids around the country, our developing country who are going undeveloped and are simply neglected as if they don’t belong to any one of us.

The sooner we realise this fact that our countries future lies within the hands and fate of these charming

I hope sooner or later we would open our eyes to wake up from the sleeps where we are dreaming of a developing or almost developed nation with developments in IT and many other sectors but with the children of our nation lagging back day by day, the development we are witnessing in nothing but a mirage and helping us burglarise our own nation with our own hands

: its government & public, U & me together, can bring a change
Education is the solution to all the problems. Educate to eradicate Problems.