Positive+: something in the word positive, something about the mere word, that sends a buzz across your nerves and steps up your emotions and gears you up for any challenge. Seeing a glass half filled is referred to as the saying for positive thinking and for the younger generation, the saying is tuned into as seeing the amount to be filled in and filling it to full is the latest saying for positive thinking. So what is positive thinking and what is it about this thinking that decides the nature of outcomes during a process regardless of what it is.
Positive thinking is the art of negotiating with one’s self and supplying confidence. Negotiating over the given situation and assessing the outcomes and tilting yourself into the direction of imaginative victory, the path you wanted to take before you started actions towards it.
Imaginative victory is assuming yourself at the destination, destination that lies in a distance of ‘time’-, the place where you would want to be or the motto behind any action you take up. This mere thought will immediately get you going.
As we all heard the saying, failure is just a delay towards your goal. Yes indeed, it is nothing but mere delay towards your goal. A time frame that is set up for you to access more than usual others get ,a time frame that is specially designated to you so you could achieve more experience out of your previous actions and in turn amend your steps of action and also help others who are taking your path and who aim at your aimed destination. We all know these things but we tend to forget at the peak moment. We should always remember that we are designed to achieve what we want. Some do it at a rapid pace than usual and other do it at a little less pace than the others and it is interesting to learn that, those who do it at a slower pace, are the ones who have more experience about what they did and are the ones who know the ripe of what they have achieved. And those who haven’t come to destination should realise that their destination is waiting for their arrival and amend their actions to go to the correct path.
It all lies in the way you look at a picture. You have to look at it the way you like and accept what comes to you and then amend it to the way you are designed for it. If you are going low, think of the happy times you are working for and you’ll be re energized.
The art of positive thinking is very much essential for artists, work force and most importantly medical treatments. A mere expression of ” wow” or quoting that the progress is very encouraging will immensely boost the morale and enable a quick progress. It should be remembered that, everything in this world is achievable.
Always practice to start answering with a yes and a smile. The more we do it, the positive the things get. And one should always remember, everything lies in the mind.
The way you look at a situation decides how you react to the situation. Always remember to move onto the positive direction. A conversation with somebody possessing positive vibes is immensely helpful and one can actually feel the energy flowing.
The better our surroundings are, the best we become.
Positive energy for a Positive - Peaceful - World
It’s you and me, together, who can bring a change.
Educate to Eradicate poverty !
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