The Indian political system, with its flexibility to accommodate any number of contestants in an election, is one of the most amazing systems when compared with other leading systems all over the world. It redefines the meaning of democracy by providing an opportunity to the voter-public-to choose their best from the lot to represent them.
Politics, The art or science of government or governing, especially the governing of a political entity, such as a nation, and the administration and control of its internal and external affairs (obtained from Dictionary.com), was supposedly derived from the word Politic meaning Artful, Wise, Sagacious etc is received by the public of India and almost all students as an occupation that is due to all negative impression.
Sadly, these days the term Politics is widely used these days between common public as a means to offend someone or used as a remark to identify petty tricks or back biting employed by someone.
What about the politics or politicians of India that makes us all draw conclusions which are always against the very system of it?
Some days ago, I was in a discussion with my friends regarding their opinions on politics and the discussion spurred up various sensible points which I want to mention in this article. Also, some valid Inputs from some of the recent articles that I read about our Indian political system along with few questionnaires I shot at people around me along with above mentioned situations, all of which led me to some viewpoints which I would want to mention in this article.
During the era of Independence, India possessed leaders or politicians, who took up the arena with the solo motto to serve the mother nation and stood as an example for the coming generations to look ahead into the prospects of serving the nation by taking up politics. Be it leaders like Nehru, who was our first prime minister who was known for his charismatic abilities to project India as one of the important nations of the world or his team’s ability to keep India away from signing treaties with any of the two super power blocks that were at cold war during that time, or be it Sardar Patel who was instrumental in unifying India as it stands now. The list could go on and on and it comes as no exaggeration if I quote them as the inspirations even now for the future aspirant politicians of India.
But at these days, We hardly notice anyone who actually works for people or anyone who took up politics for the very purpose of serving the public but yes, few exceptions are very visible, well that is how the nature works. No condition is ideal or 100% to its definition be it in a negative or positive sense.
First, starting with the current politicians, what would have led them to take up politics? The easy money that could be taken, so their families and generations to come live comfortable life? Or the power that comes as an attachment of respect and do-whatever-you like privileges? Or the dream of establishing their own statues all over their region of ruling? Or the freedom to propagate their religion? What is their driving force towards the scene? Well, except a few here and there, for others who are around, I don’t see any other reasons than stated above, for taking up politics.
The article which I read recently mentioned something regarding the expulsion of Shashi tharoor, a successful professional from the Indian politics and how a common employee-turned politician Rajiv Gandhi faced strict opposition in the field of politics when he entered into the arena. I began to wonder, why on earth isn’t there room for normal people in the politics. We all know about the party set up by the alumni of IIT’s that stood nowhere in the scenario of the political system. Also the failure of Loksatta party (Andhrapradesh, India) , led by an ex-IAS officer Jayaprakash Narayana and few other examples here and there everywhere, are all solidifying the argument that there isn’t any room for normal people into the field of politics. And for that matter, the movies always portray politicians as villains who chase the hero and in return get beaten black and blue. Well, Movies are stories picked up from reality and the daily blame-games played by politicians and their unruly debates and discussions in the decision making houses and their ever growing properties- do force any common man to take up this views.
The politicians, not all but, those who are spreading the wrong impression, should clean up their acts and keep them intact as they are the living examples for coming generations to encourage them to take up politics. The advent of new clean politicians will only help clean the system by driving out the corrupt and unwanted politicians.
The politics should be for those people or leaders who want to serve the people and benefit people and for those ambitious people who dream for a nation that is uniform all across the society in economic and social growth.
So what went into our system that makes us conclude in such an arrogant way about our leaders? And it is highly shocking to note that even after knowing about what is happening around us like what I stated till now, we end up choosing the same leaders again and again with our voting power. In a democracy, the existence of tainted leaders in the political system should be credited or blamed on the public.i.e.we, you and me. But the fact that a huge percentage of voters are uneducated and they always fall prey to the lucrative speeches these politicians make just before the elections.
So at the end, it all zero’s down to education. Education of the people,the common man. Education leads to increase in the awareness of what is going around the country and the system and also makes one realize his/her own rights provided by the constitution and would alert all voters and citizens and in turn make them become choosy about selecting their leaders whom they would want to be governing them and this entire process would also keep politicians on a check.
Educate to Eradicate Poverty-Educate to clean up Politics.
Always remember, it’s you and me-together-can bring a change.